Wednesday, January 29, 2020

FREE ticket to the Get Published Summit!

Get your FREE ticket to the Get Published Summit!

Hey ,
Are you looking to finally publish your book in 2020?

That’s why I’m so excited to tell you about the Get Published Summit that is hosted by my friend, Paul Brodie. The goal for this summit is to help people share their story in 2020 and to help you use the book to build your business and author platform.

I am speaking at the summit and I would love to have you join us.
At this link:

For 5 days from January 27-31, Paul Brodie of Brodie Consulting is bringing you presentations from 18 industry experts who have found ways to build a thriving full-time business by using their books for grow their businesses. You’ll hear about everything from book launch marketing, leveraging your book to grow your business, building your author platform, and more. These speakers combined have sold over 1 million books.

There’s more I’d love to tell you about this summit, but I’ll let you check out all the details for yourself.

Click HERE to get your free ticket for the Get Published Summit today!

See you there!

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